Monday, June 30, 2008

Just Another Quiet Monday

After an extremely busy weekend, we needed a quiet Monday. I love Mondays, and today is no exception. We ran all weekend long and now the kids are all so happy to be at home, doing what they do. As an added bonus, the weather is FAB-U-LOUS. Love having the windows wide open and smelling the fresh air.

This weekend was the great potato get-together in Big Lake, a.k.a. the Spud Fest. Anna and Kelly were in town for the festivities so Anna and I took the opportunity, which is rare, to go to a late movie on Friday night. How rare of an opportunity? The last time she and I saw a movie was when I was pregnant with Ellie, age 6 1/2. That was really fun. Saturday we loaded the kids up and headed for the parade in town. Saturday afternoon we were at a graduation party for the other Anna, Richard's girlfriend.

Yesterday brought the annual Lakeside Fireplace church picnic. Taking all six kids to do fun stuff is a lot of work, but this is our easiest year. The kids had a ball playing games, doing a giant inflatable obstacle course, having snow cones, and swimming in the pools. A big thanks to all that organized this picnic. It rates at the top of church picnics!

Which brings us to Monday, today. Blissfully peaceful. And the icing on the delicious cake??? Aaron and I are going on a date tonight in anticipation of his 34th bday, which is on the 4th of July. We have only been on one date without any kids since Micah was born, now 15 months old. It should be wonderful!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


(Photo of Ellie at her 6th birthday party)

After dinner tonight, Ellie said, "Who lives better than us?" I was not sure what she was talking about and asked her about it. Her response, "We are spoiled. I mean, look at us. We have surround sound, a big screen TV, a pool (above ground 18 foot pool that everyone has), a hammock, and a swingy-thingy (referring to the lawn swing). "

Well said. God blesses us beyond belief. Who does live better than us?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Homemade Popsicles

This was the first time that Micah got to enjoy a homemade popsicle and going in the kiddie pool. He had never had any interest in getting into the pool before yesterday. Granted, he was naked because swim diapers were downstairs, but he loved it.

Summer Lovin'

I am not really sure how to do all of the different things yet with this blog, but I guess I will just keep messing around with it until I do. I had been trying to journal on Microsoft Word, but have not found an easy way to have photos and text together in the same space. So bear with me as things may be changing and looking different upon each entry that I do. My hope is to get this site sent to you family members in TN and Canada.

We have officially slipped into a summer routine. I always have good intentions of doing lots of homeschool enrichment stuff over the summer, but I really needed the break from being teacher. I love just being "momma" and having the time to sit around on the floor with the little ones, read to the kids, play games, be outside...the list goes on and on. But the 20 loads of weekly laundry never do actually go away or take care of themselves, so I find I am always in a balancing act. I am trying to learn to let go of some of the things that don't matter much.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Okay. Here I go. I think. I think I am actually going to start writing on this blog. I am completely addicted to some blogs, and I definitely have plenty to say. But I am not sure. Maybe I will do this, and maybe I will not. That remains to be seen.