Monday, September 27, 2010

A New Era

We moved Micah from his crib (in our closet) to his big boy bed in Glory's room.

It is officially a new era around here. Gone are the days of babies in cradles in our room. No more little kiddos staking claim to our master bedroom closet as "my room".

Diapers and pacifiers (known around here as "nannies") are a thing of the past.

Surely a bittersweet moment.

I love seeing the kids grow up and watching them change into the people God created them to be. What mother doesn't gleam with pride and joy when her little one successfully navigates yet another milestone?

Still, the days of being a mom of littles are fleeting. Time is flying by and I have yet to find a way to slow it down.

So to this truth I cling.
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

2010 School Pictures

We began our homeschooling year by starting partial days of school in August. We did that for two reasons. The first was that the kids were getting tired of the summer routine and were ready to begin something. I wasn't. The second reason is that I was trying to build some extra time off into our regular school year so that we would be able to take our vacation and have some extra days off without having to make-up missed lessons.

I love taking the pictures of them their first "official" day back to school. (Let's face it; homeschoolers are always in school). This year I also did some extra shots of them so that they would be able to have some cute pictures to share with their friends.

It is so much fun to be able to look back and see how much they change from one year to the next!

Monday, September 13, 2010

So Many Posts, So Little Time

As I type this I have not yet finished unpacking from our 3,000+ mile vacation through the Black Hills and Yellowstone. Since my last post, the summer quickly came to an end. We started partial days of school in August in preparation for our 9 day/8 night trip. This week the full fall schedule of homeschooling, football for Caleb, piano lessons for Carlie, AWANAs, and lots of other things begin!

I am excited to get back into a regular-ish routine. Then maybe I can keep up a bit better on regular posts...or maybe not.

Check back for school pictures and vacation shots!