Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Making

The kids decorated sugar and gingerbread cookies.

Look, Mom!! No teeth!! (She lost 4 teeth in 2 weeks.)

We made 14 loaves of banana bread, cranberry bread, zucchini bread, and Scandanavian almond bread.

Making Thumbprint cookies

Mini-Amaretto Cakes

This Christmas season has been especially cozy and wonderful. We have received lots of snow, so we are definitely having a white Christmas. The kids have been having fun sliding around on the ice rink that Aaron made. I have been baking and cooking...they have been snacking and eating. This year we made toffee bars, chocolate cake balls, oyster crackers, petite pecan tassies, puppy chow, thumbprint cookies, gingerbread and sugar cookies, amaretto cakes, and loads of bread. Whew...sure am glad that sweets are not my tempting thing!

Merry Christmas to all of you. What a precious gift God sent in first sending a baby to this fallen world and then sending that grown man to the cross. His sacrifice was more wonderful and devastating than I can possibly comprehend. He is a good, good Father.

Monday, December 22, 2008

More Phases

Micah is still way into playing in boxes. I don't even know why we bothered to purchase Christmas presents for him.

What a talented toddler!! He can even play Tetris while sitting in an extremely small box. Note: Micah still has to have his blankies in his box.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


The kids always seem to be going through one phase or another. Just when I begin to think, "Is this a phase or a habit?", the phase is over and they are on to the next thing. For a period of a few months Glory would have to go to sleep inside of her pillowcase, sleeping bag style. I have to admit, it was pretty darn cute. Her latest phase is that she needs to be cuddled into my body, as close as possible, to go to sleep at night. I am not complaining because I know those cuddles won't last forever. I will take it for what it is...unless it becomes a habit.

For Glory, her horses are not a phase or a habit. I think horses are her passion. She has played with the horses she got last Christmas every day of 2008.

This is only a small sampling of the many styles of horses Glory owns. My Little Pony (mini's and standard size), plush horses and lifelike varieties. Her favorite clothes are from Gymboree's Rocky Mountain, Equestrian, and Park Luxe lines...all with horses. She even used to have the cutest pink cowgirl boots.

The big pink horse is scary. Glory calls her "momma". That bothered me. I felt better when I realized Big Pinky must be the HORSE momma.

She is also going through a pajama phase. She wears pajamas at home and horse clothes to go places. Here Glory is modeling Barbie pj's. But she frequently wears one of her 3 pairs of horse jammies. Go figure.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Catching Up

The last couple of weeks have been a little crazy. I haven't really had the time to post much. (Plus, blogger has been annoying me by not publishing my post the way I format it, grrr.) So here is a quick update!!

Thanksgiving was spent with my side of the family. My grandma and her hubby, Dave, drove up from TN. The kids LOVED seeing Little Grandma and Papa Dave. It was a laid back Thanksgiving day, but we did get a chance to take some photos for our Christmas card.

My cute grandma.

We also cut down a Christmas tree from our yard. It was quite ugly and the kids cried. A couple of children had to spend some time in their rooms over the whole ordeal, but all is well that ends well.

We started the tradition of family devotions during the advent season. One of our children had an attitude at the beginning. (I am not mentioning names, justing posting a picture, haha). What we really want is for our children to focus on Jesus this season as the light of the world. We live in such a dark and sinful place, and He is our hope. This is our desire for everyone.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Vegetable Soup?

Tonight we are having homemade veggie soup for supper. So delicious and nutritious. The soup goes well with a cracker or two.

"Like-y, like-y, crunchy," sang Glory.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Say It Ain't So

I saw a man going into the hardware store last week wearing *GASP* ZUBAZ!! They were bright orange and patterned loudly. I immediately began laughing hysterically, thinking, I cannot believe that someone still owns a pair of those. (For those of you who don't know what they are or are too young/old to have been a part of this fashion trend, they are loose-fitting comfy pants. But not cute. Think baggy p.j. bottoms in a zebra pattern. Or whatever pattern shows your style, if you could call it that. The jocks in high school wore know who you are :). You can check them out on Wikipedia or I was not able to figure out how to load a pic for this post.)

Fast forward to a few minutes ago. I was unloading the dishwasher and listening to the Drivetime Diva's when I heard them talking about Zubaz. I turned up the volume and was shocked to learn that Zubaz are "making a comeback". I could not believe that this could be true. But apparently you can find them at Rosedale shopping center. And other places.

I don't know what this world is coming to. Is the American economy so bad that we have to resort to buying strange clothing and actually wearing it in public? Just to be comfy and home-y wherever we go? I have had enough difficulty with the Crocs trend and usually only let my kids wear theirs in the garden and yard. But Zubaz?

Maybe Zubaz and Crocs would be the perfect Christmas present. Just not for me. I may not be a fashionista, but I do have some pride, lol.

I keep hearing the Justin Timberlake song in my head, but with a new lyric..."I'm bringing Zubaz back...".

If you are a proud owner of a pair of Zubaz, I would love to hear your story. Or better yet, see a picture.