Monday, May 4, 2009

What We've Been Up To

We are in the last days of our official school year and things are crazy-busy around here. Add onto the demands of school a long list of to-do's and you can understand why I haven't been blogging. Wedding plans (for my brother and his fiance), spring cleaning and organizing, beautiful weather to enjoy, a septic system that needs replacing, standardized testing for school, the list goes on and on and on and on. Here is a little photo update to catch you up!

Micah has begun to give me the silent treatment when he is mad.

Lots of swingset time.

Climbing trees.

A yard that has a bunch of holes to get ready for a new drain field.

More tree climbing.

Rhubarb is almost ready to pick!

Trees and shrubs are budding and blooming.

Bike riding.