Monday, October 19, 2009

Kelley Farm and Wapiti Rendezvous

This year I decided to join a homeschool group that meets together once per month for support, encouragement, and fun. The leaders of the group decided that it would also be great to get together with our kids for outings and field trips. So far we have gone to a park outing, Wapiti Rendezvous, and the Kelley Farm. We are all having a great time making new friends and exploring different places!

Kelley Farm home
This is a historical working farm. They actually have a HUGE garden in which they grow plants from seed varieties that are 150 years old.

We got to tour the house and do some hands on work/play in the kitchen. The kids kneaded bread dough and chopped rutabagas. The kids also had the chance to clean up the garden, feed the chickens, and help in the barn.

Why was this so much fun? We do at least half of this stuff around our house. And we have electricity and plumbing!

Carlie got to hold down a sheep for other kids to pet and check out.

Nice shot of Glory, behind Carlie's bum. She is petting the sheep, not Carlie. I am not sure who the other kiddo in the picture is, but I overheard Glory telling her that she "really likes her look".

We got to smell a big momma pig and 3 little-un's, up close.

Wait for me!

Time to plow the fields. Ellie was up first.

The following picture was taken at the Wapiti Rendezvous. It was basically a touring camp that was set up to reenact what life would have been like on the frontier. People were dressed and living in the clothing and homes of the period. This picture was of "the naked Indian" who taught us about different types of weapons that Native Americans would have used.

I saw him that later that weekend, driving a truck and trailer around Monticello.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Boys at Work and Play

The upcoming posts will feature a few things that we have been doing this fall in our homeschool and as a family!
Caleb, after a library trip, soaking up information.
(Actually, he was doing math problems in Lego books.)

Long division practice.
Why is division so much better on a giant piece of paper??
(Thankfully Aaron gets giant Post-Its at the 3M company store.)

Micah sorts things by color. He does this obsessively. But he doesn't know his color names

I didn't get a picture of it, but he loves to sort and count teddy-bear counters. The annoying part is that he insists on putting them back into the jar according to color, as well.