Saturday, October 17, 2009

Boys at Work and Play

The upcoming posts will feature a few things that we have been doing this fall in our homeschool and as a family!
Caleb, after a library trip, soaking up information.
(Actually, he was doing math problems in Lego books.)

Long division practice.
Why is division so much better on a giant piece of paper??
(Thankfully Aaron gets giant Post-Its at the 3M company store.)

Micah sorts things by color. He does this obsessively. But he doesn't know his color names

I didn't get a picture of it, but he loves to sort and count teddy-bear counters. The annoying part is that he insists on putting them back into the jar according to color, as well.


Mrs. Cox said...

looks like you've been busy. glad to see you're all doing well!

kelly said...

Micah, a hint of OCD. I wonder who he gets that from....Lisa

macnic said...

Great update! Hope to see more. Micah is so cute, I'd love to see him play with Alasdair!