Monday, May 17, 2010

The Finish Line

(Rainy day school train)

It is in sight. The end-of-the-official-homeschool-year-finish-line. As much as I love homeschooling, I love finishing for the summer just as much. I know a lot of moms that "school year 'round". I am not one of those moms. I need my time to just be the mom and not be tied down to a schedule. It is refreshing for me and the kids!

That is not to say that the kids don't learn over the summer. I am certain that most days will include obscene amounts of coloring and reading. They (especially Glory) never tire of cutting, taping, stapling and gluing. We also throw in occasional math drills and keyboarding practice to keep things fresh. (Helps to avoid the lengthy review process when the fall school year begins again.)
Most of the subjects are done for the year already. Just have a little of this-and-that to complete. So, if I can just...hold...on...for...a...few...more...days. Then I can start getting ready for the next school year!


Mrs. Cox said...

Good work, everybody! :)

Hilary said...

I hear ya! My schooling experience is a bit different than yours, but ready to be done nonetheless!