Friday, June 25, 2010

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

The four middle children attended VBS last week. A great time was had by all of them and they got in some much needed social interaction. (Not to mention the spiritual food!)

At the end of the week, the leaders held a drawing for each grade level. The prize was a
souped-up, jungle-themed box that they had used for offering.

Ellie won the box for the 2nd grade group. Those of you who know Ellie know that she is the kid that always feels life is a little unfair, gets the short end of the stick, etc. She is the child that buys something and then wishes she would have bought the other item. You know the type.

Ellie also cherishes trinkets and keepsakes and "junk" more than any other member of the family.

She was thrilled to win.

And now she has a fancy box to store her treasures in!!


Mrs. Cox said...

Cute! What VBS did your church do?

Hilary said...

Perfect! She'll remember this win for a long time!