Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Spring may not be quite here yet, but I have the bug. (Today it is 37 degrees and my children want to be outside in light sweatshirts, sunglasses, and sneakers.) We had a little warm-up a few weeks ago and I found myself delving into some early spring cleaning. Unfortunately, clean windows don't last long around here!

The arrival of spring means that I have home, yard, and garden projects on the brain. Of the many things on my list of to-do's comes painting. This past weekend we tackled the laundry room. I realize the laundry room may not be the obvious first choice to many people. But if you consider how much time I spend in there, you can understand why it was my priority.

Getting ready.

A little experiment I had a couple of years ago. Don't think so.

Gross bugs in the light fixture.

Keeping it real. How disgusting is it under you washer and dryer?? Don't judge me.

The foreman on the job.

The perfect shade for my room. The color is called, "Quiet Moment".

I think it is more likely, "Wishful Thinking."

The almost-finished project. I still need a new curtain and shade. Back to reality.


Hilary said...

Too bad I don't live closer to you. I LOVE painting rooms in houses! Looks good.

mrsbooklove said...

love the color! seeing your "new" laundry room makes me feel like painting something too! :-)