Monday, February 2, 2009

Valentine's Celebrations

I realize that Valentine's Day is just a "made-up by the card industry" holiday. But it is still FUN!! Around here, we are all about doing things to create memories as a family. If that means doing silly holiday celebrations, so be it. Valentine's Day happens to be a particularly special day for us to show our love for other people. What a perfect opportunity to go out of our way to be more Christ-like toward one another! (Obviously, that should be our every moment's focus. Special days just help us to really put forth our best efforts.)

I would love to hear some of your Valentine's Day traditions. I am always looking for new ideas. If you have a special place you go, meal you make, treat you bake, gift you give or receive, or unique idea...please leave me a comment or message through facebook.


Vivi said...

I'm starting a new tradition for my kids this year for Valentine's Day. It's not a big deal, but hopefully it will be a fun thing for them to look forward to.

I bought a $1 heart tin for each of them at Michaels. I'm going to fill each one with some candy and have it out for them for VDay. Each year, they'll get a little something in it...I figure the contents can grow/change with the child - as long as it fits in the little tin!