I know that people always say things like "where did the summer go?" and "I can't believe summer is over!" But seriously, I cannot believe how quickly it flew by this year. As the kids are getting older we find ourselves doing more things together and allowing them to go more places without us. This Labor Day weekend found us working around the house and yard and taking the pool down for the year. I will miss the lazy days of just hanging with the kiddos, but I am eager to get on to the next thing!
So here is a little recap of our summer and a couple of pics of the last moments of the 2008 pool season!
*Day trip to Rochester
*Park Rapids cabin trip
*State Fair
*Burgers in the park/beach time
*Annual church picnic
*Vacation Bible school and Lakeside Campfire
*Backyard camping
*Bethel roomie get-together
*Gardening and canning
*Pool and swing sets
*Reconnecting with old friends and family on Facebook
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