Wednesday, September 3, 2008

School Photos

Although we don't send our kids off on a school bus or with a carpool, the first day of school is always exciting and deserves to be commemorated with back to school pics and outfits. This has been our tradition since the beginning of our homeschool journey 7 years ago. These pictures were taken when we started a week ago.

I don't know why Maggie was so miserable here. Oh well, can't win them all. And she LOVES school.

Glory being her typical self, top and bottom photo.

Maggie is a super easy student. Makes my life a breeze.

Ellie, ever the fashion-ista, was more excited about her new skirt than her workbooks.

Caleb has grown so much over the last summer. He is taller than Carlie now. He was most excited to start history.

Carlie is truly starting to act like a middle schooler. I love how excited she is to learn!


Anonymous said...

I love that picture of the 5 of them on the first day of school. It is so typical of each of them-- every single one of them are depicted exactly as they are.

Anonymous said...

By the way, that was my comment. I've never written on a blog before and couldn't figure it out. Anna

Hilary said...

Great pictures of the kids, Lisa! They are looking so grown up! I like your list of the signs of fall better than Brian's...NFL football starting is the only true sign of fall in his eyes! ha ha

Hilary said...

I like your new brown background!