Saturday, January 24, 2009

"I Told You...

...that you kids were going to turn Micah into a little monster!"

It is official. Micah has begun to have fits, temper tantrums, and spazzoids. This week, suddenly, the tide has turned. Months of giving into his cute cries and fusses have lead to an almost 2-year-old boy who is spoiled by his siblings. He doesn't want to share his lap space or his toys. Little Dude yells the words MEAN and MEANIE liberally. You had better not look at him the wrong way.

He is particular about how his food is served. The following video clip was taken this morning when he said his Raisin Bran was "cold". Go figure. Cold cereal being cold???!!!

WARNING: Turn the volume down. I mean it.


shana said...

love it!

Jamie Mariaaaaaa! said...

Oh, little man. I understand your rage. Cold Raisin Bran. That's the pits.

Hilary said...

that could be my house on any given day or time!

mrsbooklove said...

ha! you think that's loud? i should post one of cj's screaming fits. not just loud, but high pitched too. makes my eardrums hurt just thinking about it. ;-)

Bridget said...

I'm glad I'm not alone. Kaia has started doing the SAME exact thing if she doesn't get her way. Silly kids!