Sunday, July 13, 2008


Almost every conversation with friends and family begins with some sort a laundry list of the things that are keeping them or us busy. I think busy-ness has become such a part of our culture that we rarely really find time to be quiet before God and let him speak into our lives. I know that this is true for me in my personal walk with Christ. I can find time for a lot of the things that I want to do or need to do, but I have been asking myself, "where is God on my list of priorities?"

The typical Christian answer is God first, spouse second, children third, and everything else somewhere after that. I know that I don't always put God first. I don't always put Aaron second. More often than not, the kids come first. (squeaky wheel gets the grease syndrome) My priorities are in a jumble.

Today, for some reason, I was reading My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers. One thing stood out to me. I haven't been able to get it out of my mind today.

Your priorities must be God first, God second, and God third, until your life is continually face to face with God and no one else is taken into account whatsoever.

This passage is not telling me to just close myself into my room with my Bible. He has me in this season of motherhood and things that go along with mothering. He knows that the baby can't wait for a diaper change. The cooking has to be done. Carlie needs to be picked up from youth group. The list goes on. He isn't asking me to shirk my responsibilities as a wife and a mom.

But He is jealous for my love and affection. I am on His mind. He should be on mine. My first thought should be of Him. Every moment should be about Christ. Then every other thing will fall onto the list of priorities where it belongs.


Hilary said...

Wow...that could be a devotional in and of itself! I love how you've written out what's on your heart!