Friday, October 17, 2008

Allergy Update #3

Glory's allergy testing today went very well. She had the skin testing and food testing done. The allergist pronounced her "in the clear"!!!! We are so thankful. So many kids do not outgrow their allergies. We had been praying that the results would be definite with no mild allergies. And God provided. We didn't even have to schedule any more appointments. The only thing Dr. M. said was to continue to feed her the foods on a regular basis (1-2 per week) so that her immune system can build against them. Yay!!! Stuffing, pumpkin pie and Christmas cookies, meet Glory.


shana said...

yeah, i am thrilled for you (and glory too!). that is wonderful, wonderful news. praise God! i've always prayed we would get to the point of doing a food challenge but not yet . . . how did they get glory to eat the egg? was she scared? i know jacob is older, but i always wondered how it would go. all these years being so dilligent to keep him away from something and then to give it to him and expect him to eat it?!?! even if intelectually he could understand that he "passed" the blood or skin test, i'm not sure i could convince him to put it in his mouth and eat it. oh well, maybe some day we'll get to give it a shot.
enjoy yummy baked stuff that the WHOLE dee gang can now enjoy. we are praising God with you for glory's healing! enjoy the gorgeous day today!!