Friday, October 31, 2008

What's Happening?

Sometimes our days are ordinary, sometimes filled with craziness. With 6 kids, there is never a truly "boring" moment. Here are a few of the happenings from the last week or so.

*Glory is officially potty-trained!! Hallelujah. I was beginning to think she would be walking down the wedding aisle in a Pull-Up. The day after she was "free and clear" from allergies, she announced she was big and began wearing undies. Yay for me. 5 trained, 1 left.

*2 lost teeth. (Carlie and Caleb...Ellie has a hanging tooth that will likely be out today.)

*6 new teeth. Micah has popped in 6 teeth over the past 2 weeks. Poor Micah. Poor momma.

*Mags and Ellie are in gymnastics. Maggie likes the "balancing thing" and Ellie likes the uneven bars. She feels like she is flying.

*Harvest Festival at church. Carlie was super involved, as the youth were in charge. Lots of fun!

*Swimming. Carlie has swim practice on Thursday nights and Aaron took the rest along to open swim while I attended a Pampered Chef/girls' night party thingy.

*Homeschool, homeschool, and more of the same. It is never ending. Much like the laundry.

*Homemade bread. I really love my Zojirushi. I wish it did the laundry too.